# Hack Your Skills! to be Professional Mechatronics
Berikut contoh script metode pembelajaran lainnya :
1. Hebb Rule
2. Delta Rule
3. Perceptron
4. Backpropagation
5. Constructive Backpropagation (dg momentum)
Java : Contoh Script Algoritma Backpropagation ~ Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST)
Sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang Hebb Rule, Delta Rule, dan Perceptron. Kali ini kami contohkan script algoritma dasar dari Backpropagation.
/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package abppn; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; /** * * @author x86 */ public class BP { // kondisi double x[][]; // target double t[]; int unit_input; int unit_hidden; int unit_output; // learning rate double alfa; // maximum loop int maxloop; // target error double ERR; // last error double ERX; // bobot input - hidden double v[][]; // bobot bias - hidden double v0[]; // bobot hidden - ouput double w[][]; // bobot bias - output double w0[]; double MSE; int loop; double hasil_mentah; double hasil_akhir; void init_static(){ //double init_x[][] = {{0.5,1},{1,0.5},{1,1},{0.5,0.5}}; //double init_t[] = {1,1,0.5,0.5}; //double init_x[][] = {{-1,0,0,0},{-1,0,0,1},{-1,0,1,0},{-1,0,1,1},{-1,1,0,0},{-1,1,0,1},{-1,1,1,0},{-1,1,1,1},{ 0,0,0,0},{ 0,0,0,1},{ 0,0,1,0},{ 0,0,1,1},{ 0,1,0,0},{ 0,1,0,1},{ 0,1,1,0},{ 0,1,1,1},{ 1,0,0,0},{ 1,0,0,1},{ 1,0,1,0},{ 1,0,1,1},{ 1,1,0,0},{ 1,1,0,1},{ 1,1,1,0},{ 1,1,1,1}}; //double init_t[] = {1, 0, 1,-1, 1, 0, 1,-1, 1, 0, 1,-1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1, 1, 0, 1, 1}; double init_x[][] = {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1},{0,1,0,0},{0,1,0,1},{0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,1},{0.5,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1},{0.5,0,1,0},{0.5,0,1,1},{0.5,1,0,0},{0.5,1,0,1},{0.5,1,1,0},{0.5,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0},{1,0,0,1},{1,0,1,0},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,0},{1,1,0,1},{1,1,1,0},{1,1,1,1}}; double init_t[] = {1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0.5,1,1}; int init_uinput = init_x[0].length; int init_uhidden = 4; int init_uoutput = 1; double init_alfa = 1; int init_maxloop = 10000; double init_ERR = 0.01; //double init_v[][] = {{0.9562,0.7762,0.1623,0.2886},{0.1962,0.6133,0.0311,0.9711}}; double init_v[][] = new double[init_uinput][init_uhidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_v.length; a++){ for(int b=0; b<init_v[0].length; b++){ init_v[a][b] = Math.random(); } } //double init_v0[] = {0.7496,0.3796,0.7256,0.1628}; double init_v0[] = new double[init_uhidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_v0.length; a++){ init_v0[a] = Math.random(); } //double init_w[][] = {{0.2280,0.9585,0.6799,0.0550}}; double init_w[][] = new double[init_uoutput][init_uhidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_w.length; a++){ for(int b=0; b<init_w[0].length; b++){ init_w[a][b] = Math.random(); } } //double init_w0[] = {0.9505}; double init_w0[] = new double[init_uoutput]; for(int a=0; a<init_w0.length; a++){ init_w0[a] = Math.random(); } this.x = init_x; this.t = init_t; this.unit_input = init_uinput; this.unit_hidden = init_uhidden; this.unit_output = init_uoutput; this.alfa = init_alfa; this.maxloop = init_maxloop; this.ERR = init_ERR; this.v = init_v; this.v0 = init_v0; this.w = init_w; this.w0 = init_w0; } void init_dinamic(){ double init_x[][] = {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1},{0,1,0,0},{0,1,0,1},{0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,1},{0.5,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1},{0.5,0,1,0},{0.5,0,1,1},{0.5,1,0,0},{0.5,1,0,1},{0.5,1,1,0},{0.5,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0},{1,0,0,1},{1,0,1,0},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,0},{1,1,0,1},{1,1,1,0},{1,1,1,1}}; double init_t[] = {1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,0,1,0.5,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0.5,1,1}; int init_uinput = init_x[0].length; //int init_uhidden = 4; int init_uoutput = 1; //double init_alfa = 1; //int init_maxloop = 10000; //double init_ERR = 0.01; //double init_v[][] = {{0.9562,0.7762,0.1623,0.2886},{0.1962,0.6133,0.0311,0.9711}}; this.x = init_x; this.t = init_t; this.unit_input = init_uinput; //this.unit_hidden = init_uhidden; this.unit_output = init_uoutput; //this.alfa = init_alfa; //this.maxloop = init_maxloop; //this.ERR = init_ERR; double init_v[][] = new double[this.unit_input][this.unit_hidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_v.length; a++){ for(int b=0; b<init_v[0].length; b++){ init_v[a][b] = Math.random(); } } //double init_v0[] = {0.7496,0.3796,0.7256,0.1628}; double init_v0[] = new double[this.unit_hidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_v0.length; a++){ init_v0[a] = Math.random(); } //double init_w[][] = {{0.2280,0.9585,0.6799,0.0550}}; double init_w[][] = new double[this.unit_output][this.unit_hidden]; for(int a=0; a<init_w.length; a++){ for(int b=0; b<init_w[0].length; b++){ init_w[a][b] = Math.random(); } } //double init_w0[] = {0.9505}; double init_w0[] = new double[this.unit_output]; for(int a=0; a<init_w0.length; a++){ init_w0[a] = Math.random(); } this.v = init_v; this.v0 = init_v0; this.w = init_w; this.w0 = init_w0; } void learn_static(){ double data[][] = this.x; double target[] = this.t; int jumlah_data = data.length; int jumlah_input = this.unit_input; int jumlah_hidden = this.unit_hidden; int jumlah_output = this.unit_output; // do it for learn int loop = 0; //this.maxloop = 1000; //System.out.println(jumlah_hidden); //System.out.println(this.v0.length); //System.exit(0); do{ //System.out.println("Loop : "+loop); //System.out.println("-----------"); // for all data for(int h=0; h<jumlah_data; h++){ // hitung z_in dan z double z[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ //itung sigma xi vij double z_in[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; double jum_xv=0; for(int i=0; i<jumlah_input; i++){ double tmp=x[h][i]*v[i][j]; jum_xv=jum_xv+tmp; } z_in[j] = v0[j]+jum_xv; z[j] = aktivasi(z_in[j]); //z[j] = 1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); //z[j] = (1-(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); // System.out.println("z["+j+"] = "+z[j]); } //~ itung y_in dan y (output) double y[] = new double[jumlah_output]; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ double y_in[] = new double[y.length]; double jum_zw=0; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ double tmp=z[j]*w[k][j]; jum_zw=jum_zw+tmp; } y_in[k]=w0[k]+jum_zw; y[k] = aktivasi(y_in[k]); //y[k]=1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //y[k]=(1-(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //System.out.println("Math.exp("+-y_in[k]+") = "+Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //System.out.println("y["+k+"] = "+y[k]); } // hitung MSE double sum_e = 0; double Err_y[] = new double[jumlah_output]; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ //error otput //Err_y[k]=(t[h]-y[k])*y[k]*(1-y[k]); Err_y[k] = t[h]-y[k]; sum_e += Math.pow(Err_y[k],2); } this.MSE = 0.5*sum_e; //ngitung delta bias dan delta bobot double Aw[][] = new double[this.w.length][this.w[0].length]; double Aw0[] = new double[this.w0.length]; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ //delta bobot hO Aw[k][j] = this.alfa * Err_y[k] * y[k] * z[j]; //delta bias hO Aw0[k] = this.alfa * Err_y[k] * y[k]; } } //ngitung delta bias dan delta bobot double Err_in[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; double Err_z[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; double Av[][] = new double[this.v.length][this.v[0].length]; double Av0[] = new double[this.v0.length]; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ double tmp=0; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ tmp = tmp + (Err_y[k]*this.w[k][j]); } // eror sebelum output / setelah hidden Err_in[j]=tmp; // eror hidden (t[h]-y[k])*y[k]*(1-y[k]); Err_z[j]=Err_in[j]*(z[j])*(1-z[j]); for(int i=0; i<jumlah_input; i++){ //delta bobot iH Av[i][j]=this.alfa*Err_z[j]*this.x[h][i]; } //delta bias hidden Av0[j]=this.alfa*Err_z[j]; } //update bobot dan bias //update bobot bias outpuut for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ this.w[k][j]=this.w[k][j]+Aw[k][j]; //this.w[k][j]=this.w[k][j]-Aw[k][j]; } } for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ this.w0[k]=this.w0[k]+Aw0[k]; //this.w0[k]=this.w0[k]-Aw0[k]; } //update bobot bias hidden for(int i=0; i<jumlah_input; i++){ for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ this.v[i][j]=this.v[i][j]+Av[i][j]; //this.v[i][j]=this.v[i][j]-Av[i][j]; } } for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ this.v0[j]=this.v0[j]+Av0[j]; //this.v0[j]=this.v0[j]-Av0[j]; } } loop++; //System.out.println("err : "+ERX); }while(is_stop()>this.ERR && loop<this.maxloop); this.loop = loop; //System.out.println("err : "+this.MSE); //System.out.println("loop : "+loop); } double aktivasi(double inp){ return 1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-inp)); } //penentuan berhenti atau lanjut double is_stop(){ int jumlah_input = this.unit_input; int jumlah_hidden = this.unit_hidden; int jumlah_output = this.unit_output; int jumlah_data = this.x.length; double akumY=0; //~ itung z_in dan z for(int h=0; h<jumlah_data; h++){ double z[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ //itung sigma xi vij double z_in[] = new double[z.length]; double jum_xv=0; for(int i=0; i<jumlah_input; i++){ double tmp=this.x[h][i]*this.v[i][j]; jum_xv=jum_xv+tmp; } z_in[j]=this.v0[j]+jum_xv; z[j] = aktivasi(z_in[j]); //z[j]=1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); //z[j]=(1-(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); //System.out.println(-z_in[j]); } //~ itung y_in dan y (output) double y[] = new double[jumlah_output]; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ double y_in[] = new double[y.length]; double jum_zw=0; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ double tmp=z[j]*this.w[k][j]; jum_zw=jum_zw+tmp; } y_in[k]=this.w0[k]+jum_zw; y[k] = aktivasi(y_in[k]); //y[k]=1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //y[k]=(1-(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //System.out.println("t[]-y = "+t); akumY += Math.pow((t[h]-y[k]),2); } } this.MSE = akumY/this.x[0].length; return this.MSE; } void test(double data[]){ int jumlah_input = this.unit_input; int jumlah_hidden = this.unit_hidden; int jumlah_output = this.unit_output; double outt[] = this.t; //pada hidden double z[] = new double[jumlah_hidden]; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ double z_in[] = new double[z.length]; double tmp = 0; for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++){ tmp = tmp + (data[i] * this.v[i][j]); } z_in[j] = this.v0[j] + tmp; z[j] = aktivasi(z_in[j]); //z[j] = 1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); //z[j] = (1-(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-z_in[j])); } //pada ouotpr double y[] = new double[jumlah_output]; for(int k=0; k<jumlah_output; k++){ double y_in[] = new double[y.length]; double tmp = 0; for(int j=0; j<jumlah_hidden; j++){ tmp = tmp + z[j] * this.w[k][j]; } y_in[k] = this.w0[k] + tmp; y[k] = aktivasi(y_in[k]); //y[k] = 1/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); //y[k] = (1-(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k]))/(1+(double)Math.exp(-y_in[k])); /* if(y[k]<0.1){ y[k] = -1; }else if(y[k]>0.1){ y[k] = 1; }else{ y[k] = 0; } /* if(y[k]>0) y[k]=1; else y[k]=0;*/ double err_pad = this.MSE*this.x[0].length; double hazil = 0; if(y[k] < err_pad){ hazil = 0; }else if(y[k]>(1-err_pad)){ hazil = 1; }else{ hazil = 0.5; } this.hasil_mentah = y[k]; this.hasil_akhir = hazil; //System.out.println("Output "+y[k]); } } double double_format(double num, int len){ String format = "#."; for(int a=0; a<len; a++){ format += "#"; } DecimalFormat change = new DecimalFormat(format); return Double.valueOf(change.format(num)); } String kesimpulan(double h){ String x = ""; switch(String.valueOf(h)){ case "0.0": x = "Hard Contact Lenses"; break; case "0.5": x = "Soft Contact Lenses"; break; case "1.0": x = "No Contact Lenses"; break; } return x; } /* public static void main(String haripinter[]){ BP BP = new BP(); BP.init_static(); BP.learn_static(); /*double ax[] = {0.5,0.5}; double bx[] = {0.5,1}; double cx[] = {1,0.5}; double dx[] = {1,1}; BP.test(ax); BP.test(bx); BP.test(cx); BP.test(dx);*/ //double xys[][] = {{-1,0,0,0},{-1,0,0,1},{-1,0,1,0},{-1,0,1,1},{-1,1,0,0},{-1,1,0,1},{-1,1,1,0},{-1,1,1,1},{ 0,0,0,0},{ 0,0,0,1},{ 0,0,1,0},{ 0,0,1,1},{ 0,1,0,0},{ 0,1,0,1},{ 0,1,1,0},{ 0,1,1,1},{ 1,0,0,0},{ 1,0,0,1},{ 1,0,1,0},{ 1,0,1,1},{ 1,1,0,0},{ 1,1,0,1},{ 1,1,1,0},{ 1,1,1,1}};// /* double xys[][] = {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1},{0,1,0,0},{0,1,0,1},{0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,1},{0.5,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1},{0.5,0,1,0},{0.5,0,1,1},{0.5,1,0,0},{0.5,1,0,1},{0.5,1,1,0},{0.5,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0},{1,0,0,1},{1,0,1,0},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,0},{1,1,0,1},{1,1,1,0},{1,1,1,1}}; for(int a=0; a<xys.length; a++){ double inp[] = xys[a]; System.out.println(BP.t[a]); BP.test(inp); } //BigDecimal k = new BigDecimal(Math.exp(10)); //System.err.println(-1-(-1)); }*/ }
Berikut contoh script metode pembelajaran lainnya :
1. Hebb Rule
2. Delta Rule
3. Perceptron
4. Backpropagation
5. Constructive Backpropagation (dg momentum)
Top Artikel :
Written by ElangSakti
Java : Contoh Script Algoritma Backpropagation ~ Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST)
Bahasan: Sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang Hebb Rule, Delta Rule, dan Perceptron. Kali ini kami contohkan script algoritma dasar dari Backprop...
Published at Senin, 13 Januari 2014, Updated at Senin, 13 Januari 2014
Reviewed by dr. on
Rating: 4.7
Java : Contoh Script Algoritma Backpropagation ~ Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST)
Bahasan: Sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang Hebb Rule, Delta Rule, dan Perceptron. Kali ini kami contohkan script algoritma dasar dari Backprop...
Published at Senin, 13 Januari 2014, Updated at Senin, 13 Januari 2014
Reviewed by dr. on
Rating: 4.7
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